Sunday, November 1, 2009

living in KMPH is such a bless

maybe some people dont iam studying at kolej matrikulasi pahang...i honestly love that college very much..i really2 comes from bottom of my heart..i feel difference at there..i dont need to pretend to be someone just me at there...i really happy when i really achieve that...people there i can categorized in and not so open..but i just dont care what people says im just me..but most of all the people there really can accept me from what i am..maybe at first they just dont like me..but after they know me..they see my personality.. they really can accept such a different from school...the study..maybe for me..its really need so much attention to do well in this college...and i do hope i can score well..lastly..i really believe that stayin in kmph is such a bless.....

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